Do you want to log in to or join Facebook?
I used the wrong email to create my Facebook account. How do I change my email?
Change your email and finish creating your Facebook account
  1. Make sure that you have a secure email that only you can access.
  2. Go to and click Update Contact Info.
  3. Enter an email or mobile number you have access to and click Add.
  1. Make sure that you have a secure email address that only you can access.
  2. Go to, then tap I Didn't Receive the Code.
  3. Tap Add Another Email Address.
  4. Enter your correct email address and tap Add. To remove the old email address, tap Remove.
  1. Make sure that you have a secure email that only you can access.
  2. Go to and tap Add Another Email Address.
  3. Enter your correct email address and tap Add. To remove the old email address, tap Remove.
  1. Make sure that you have a secure email that only you can access.
  2. Open the Facebook for Android app and tap Change Email Address.
  3. Enter your correct email and tap Continue.
  1. Make sure that you have a secure email that only you can access.
  2. Open the Facebook Lite app and tap Change Email Address.
  3. Enter your correct email and tap Continue.
  1. Make sure that you have a secure email that only you can access.
  2. Open the Facebook app and tap Change Email Address.
  3. Enter your correct email and tap Submit.
  1. Make sure that you have a secure email that only you can access.
  2. Open the Facebook app and tap Change Email Address.
  3. Enter your correct email and tap Submit.
When you confirm the new email, we'll replace the incorrect email that you created the account with.
Note: If you already have a Facebook account, learn how to change your email.
English (UK)
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